Category: "Uncategorized"

Daylight Savings Crime

11/11/15 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Uncategorized
Emerging from a groundhog’s burrow of a consulting gig, I realized that we have re-entered Standard Time hell. I really dislike the idea of setting the clocks back. It is depressing when the sun sets before five o’clock. Think of it this way: It is far… more »

Watch This Space

07/28/14 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Uncategorized
Approaching two months since my last post, so it is time to explain the lack of activity. With travel for pleasure, followed by an unexpectedly large workload, and the decision to enjoy some summer days in New York and Florida, I pushed my writing down… more »

The Gun Show

02/12/14 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Uncategorized
I attended my first gun show Saturday in southwest Florida where I reside in the winter. I’m not a hardcore gun guy, which is why, when a friend invited me, I took the opportunity to check it out. His text message included the alluring phrase “Guns+B… more »

Monkeys are Very Unhappy...

01/15/14 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Uncategorized
…That evolution gave them us. Don’t you wonder why Alex Rodriguez, a very gifted athlete, felt compelled to break the rules and end up being banned from baseball for a year? This is a player with Hall of Fame credentials. While you’re scratching you… more »

Ring In the New

01/03/14 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Uncategorized
  Ah, optimism. Once again, it shows up when a new year begins. 2014 is no exception. On the domestic front, various economists have issued bullish prognostications on GDP growth this coming year. After its disastrous introduction, the Affordable Care… more »

Fear and Cowardice

07/16/13 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Uncategorized
  Fear is a primal source of motivation of human behavior. While I have no background in anthropology or sociology, it seems plausible to accept this as a trait we have carried forward with us from our primitive origins. The flight of an animal from a… more »

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