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Journalist For a Day

02/27/20 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Politics & Current Events


Imagine you were a member of the White House Press Corps, or a reporter covering Congress or a Presidential campaign, for one day. What questions would you ask?

Here are some to which I would love to elicit an answer:

  • Mr. President, in light of your past statements proclaiming your expertise in many areas, is there a reason why you didn’t appoint yourself head of the coronavirus task force so you could personally handle the government’s response? 
  • Senator Sanders, do you consider it hypocritical that you are not releasing your medical records as you promised to do? Don’t you think the health of a candidate is of interest to voters when it comes to selecting a person for such a stressful position? Given your age and recent heart attack, why aren’t you being transparent about your health?
  • Representative Ocasio-Cortez, do you agree that one skill a politician should possess is the ability to persuade people? Do you think you have the ability to convince people to support your policy proposals such as the Green New Deal?
  • Representative Nunes, are you going to disclose the source of the money you are using to pay the legal expenses associated with the various lawsuits you’ve filed?
  • Mr. Kudlow, can you give the American people one reason- just one- why the they should believe anything you say about the US economy?
  • Mr. President, can you point out Nebraska on this map?
Journalist For a Day


  • Mr. Mulvaney, have you ever cashed your paycheck at a payday lender? If not, why?
  • Senator McConnell, could you define the term honor for us and tell us about your own personal code of honor?
  • Secretary Pompeo. Same question I asked Senator McConnell.
  • Representative Jordan, why don’t you ever wear a suit jacket or blazer? Is it some type of statement?
  • Mr. President, when you speak in public, whether to the press, at one of your many rallies, or in a formal speech, are your lies and exaggerations impromptu statements, or do you script them beforehand?
  • And a follow-up, Mr. President: do you really believe the stuff you say or are you just punking us because you can?

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