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Daylight Savings Crime

11/11/15 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Uncategorized

Emerging from a groundhog’s burrow of a consulting gig, I realized that we have re-entered Standard Time hell. I really dislike the idea of setting the clocks back. It is depressing when the sun sets before five o’clock. Think of it this way: It is far easier to deal with getting out of bed when it is still dark knowing that sunrise is coming soon. You wake up as the day wakes. The rhythms of life are in synch. Walking out of an office into the dark night, or sitting in rush hour traffic in the glare of artificial illumination, is depressing.

I advocate dumping this entire clock-changing madness. On one hand, of course, it made for convenient excuses back in the days before digital devices adjusted the clocks automatically: You can no longer explain being late by saying “I forgot to change my clocks on Saturday night.” So, let’s set the clocks ahead next spring and never set them back again.  If we insist on messing with time, let’s change our schedules instead. Start the work day and the school day earlier in the spring if having more daylight at the end of the day is so freaking important.

In the meantime, I will endure patiently until the Winter Solstice on December 21st, comforted by the knowledge that, after that date, daylight will last a little longer each day until we reach the longest day, June 20th.

Only 221 more days to go, boys and girls!


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