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Monkeys are Very Unhappy...

01/15/14 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Uncategorized

…That evolution continued past them to us.

Don’t you wonder why Alex Rodriguez, a very gifted athlete, felt compelled to break the rules and end up being banned from baseball for a year? This is a player with Hall of Fame credentials. While you’re scratching your head about that one, you might also wonder why a Governor who was as sure a bet to win re-election as you could imagine would be leading an organization that went all in on petty retribution. It not only defies logic, it might cause you to contemplate about how humans ever came to contrive logic to begin with.

While we are mulling over the viability of our rational nature, we should factor the behavior of our elected representatives in Washington into our ruminations. Is there more than a handful of thoughtful, broad-minded persons in those two bodies? And I am not referring to ideology or policy positions; no, it is the farcical reasons for their often-inane positions that they present with the straightest of faces that leads us to sometimes believe that someone has tampered with the water supply to that domed building on First Street. To wit:

-        Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell would not support an extension of Emergency Unemployment Insurance unless the individual mandate portion of the Affordable Care Act was delayed one year.

Talk about beating a dead horse.

-        A bipartisan group of Senators have signed onto a proposed bill to toughen sanctions against Iran at the exact time the Administration is negotiating to put an end to the Iranian quest for a nuclear weapon.

Without a hint of irony, Senator Richard Blumenthal said this was a move to "strengthen" the Administration’s negotiating position…. Huh?

Moving from high to low, the retired police officer who murdered a fellow movie theater patron in Florida Sunday over a texting incident, having pulled out a pistol and shot the offending texter after he had popcorn thrown at him, is reported intending to use a “stand your ground” defense. I didn’t realize a shower of buttered popcorn constituted deadly force.



Coming soon: What the Court of Appeals decision striking down the FCC’s Open Internet Rules might portent for the future of the Internet.






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