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The Fiscal Bungee Jump

01/02/13 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Public Policy & Economic Policy

Somehow, I cannot place the concept of "statesmen" and "Congressmen" into one conflation. The pitiful antics of our elected Federal legistators exceed even the immature behavior of children. The culmination, of course, was John Boehner telling Harry Reid to "go fuck yourself".  When the inhabitants of the Bozarks start braying about America being "the greatest country in the world", they should be made to watch the Boehner blow-off moment on an endless loop for an hour. My suspicion is that, rather then be appalled at the lack of decorum, they would applaud continuously the spectacle of one self-seeking pol sticking it to another. Verbally, at least.

The media, as I have posted before, has indulged itself in the faux direness of the so-called "fiscal cliff".  Of course, in reality, once you go over the cliff,  there are no second chances. But the thrill of leaping off into space must so excite our Representatives that they contrive to do it over and over again. What we are now experiencing is "fiscal bungee jumping". For titillation, we will be doing this again when the danger threshold of the debt ceiling is approached next month.

In my lifetime, I have observed only one person who was able to jump repeatedly off cliffs- Wile E. Coyote. Of course, he was only a cartoon. I think that must be significant.


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