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On Being a @jbarro Tweep

01/04/13 | by nicasaurus | Categories: People

Among the 140-and-Under set, I follow a very select few. My favorite for a long time has been Josh Barro, lead blogger for Bloomberg View's The Ticker who concentrates on tax and fiscal policy. He combines an incisive wit with an impishness that often results in laugh-out-loud funny tweets. His recent campaign against the often-sanctimonious writing of NY Times columnist Tom Friedman is an apt example.  Here are a few others,  just for a flavor of what a sharp mind can accomplish within the limits of Twitter:

"Pro tip: When your children act up, threaten that you will elect them Speaker of the House if they don't behave."

"This Kardashian pregnancy is going to get real awkward when they figure out I'm the father."

"MSNBC prez says Chris Matthews is "a statesman." What state?"

"NRA President David Keene's son did 10 years in prison for shooting at another driver in a road rage incident.

""Here's the thing. If David Keene couldn't even teach his kid to use firearms responsibly, why is he so confident the general public can?"

Josh first came to my attention when I saw him as a panelist on Chris Hayes' weekend show on MSNBC (#uppers). He was ostensibly a conservative counter-weight, but he presented well- reasoned, non-ideological positions. I have since come to appreciate his balanced approach and sense of humor.

You should follow him on Twitter, @jbarro.

Follow me, too, @nicasaurus.


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