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People Make America Great

08/29/17 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Politics & Current Events

Monday, 28August2017

For those of us who are being spared the miseries of the planet’s vociferous attack on its inhabitants in the form of Hurricane Harvey, now is an appropriate time to reflect upon the true zeitgeist of the nation. The humanity, compassion and just plain heroism of the rescuers in Texas stands in stark contrast to the divisive, us-against-them demagoguery purveyed by some of our most cynical leaders. Modern communications allows us to bear witness to efforts of the deputies, firefighters, EMT's, helicopter pilots, private citizens and journalists who risk their own safety to help their fellow citizens in distress. No one is asking who voted for whom or to what religion they belong. The images are compelling: A parade of Louisianans in their pickups, the Cajun Navy hauling their bass boats to Texas to help in the rescue effort. A black deputy wading through waist-deep water, carrying two white children to safety. A CNN reporter aiding in the rescue of a woman and her elderly parents from their flooded home. A 15-year old and his friend cruising the flooded streets in his boat, searching for people trapped in their homes.

These actions- as well as the generosity of those who are donating to various charitable organizations-  tell us a great deal about who we are as a nation. It is our great shame that we can not exhibit this type of humanity except in crisis. I never want to see #MAGA again, or hear a man with no skin in THIS game say he wants to make America great again. We are already great, but we tend to forget why. So, it is at times like this, times of crisis, that we remember we are all Americans, not separated by race, or class, or religion, politics, gender or sexual preference, or even by the state where we live. At this moment, we are reminded that being a patriotic American means sometimes we must set aside differences so we may care for each other, do the decent thing, and extend a helping hand in anyway we can. It would be shameful to do otherwise.

I truly hope the images we are seeing are seared into our minds, that when those of us not physically impacted by the hurricane settle back into our lives, we do not forget who we are and what makes us great.



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