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Ever Wonder?

01/02/15 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Politics & Current Events

"I got a head full of ideas that are driving me insane."
Bob Dylan, "Maggies Farm"

Ever wonder...

How many heads of state in the world are vegans or vegetarians? How many are virgins?

How many members of Congress have served in the military?

How many times is an off-duty police oficer pulled over for a traffic violation by another cop and let go without being issued a summons? How many cops are pulled over for DWI/DUI and not arrested?

Why do some state legislators think that Sharia law is a threat to our way of life? Is it because we, living in a so-called Christian nation, do not actualy adhere to the tenants of Christianity?

How many poeple think that money should derive its value from a mystical relationship to a metal dug randomly out of the ground- such as gold- and not as a reflection of economic activity?

How many owners of meat-packing businesses actually eat the products those businesses produce? I am not talking about special, select cuts; I mean would they eat their bacon or frankfurters or burgers if chosen randomly in a supermarket?

How many owners of companies engaged in fracking live near the site of the actual fracking operation? How many of them drink the local water?

How many of us who choose to disregard scientific evidence when it contradicts some personal belief are willing to concede that much of what we enjoy in this material world is the result of scientific inquiry? (Think air travel, pickup trucks, shotguns, big-screen TVs, Internet porn, genetically modified vegetables, iPhones... )

How many people think about stuff like this?


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