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Dallas, the day after, via Twitter

07/08/16 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Politics & Current Events

There is nothing to add as a week of senseless violence ends with the mass killing of police officers in Dallas.  As I write this, the media is reporting that this latest tragedy is work of one man. It is still too early in the investigation to know if more people were involved and to determine what motivations and affiliations may have been at work. What we are left with is five dead police officers who went to work yesterday as they did on many other days with no idea they were in their last hours. And this in the week when police officers killed two black men, one of whom was a law-abiding citizen guilty of driving with a broken tail-light. The other was shot by officers who had him pinned to the ground.  We can do better. Much better.

I grabbed these random tweets to point out the wide range of disparate reactions.

S.E. Cupp: We are living in disturbing times.

Jonathan Chait: What I see in Dallas in not America coming apart, but an America that mostly agrees on the most important questions.

reported.ly: "Injustice is not the response for injustice"- Iman at #Dallas prayer vigil.

Elizabeth Warren: I wish I had the answers right now to stop the very real pain that people are feeling, but I know this: change must come, it must come now.

Charles C.W. Cooke: You know what else is ridiculous? Blaming Obama. And BLM. Nobody knows who did this and it certainly wasn't a spontaneous crowd.

Norman Ornstein: Dallas police chief is a model for the nation- as is Dallas police force

Vox: Dallas police were doing everything right- and then the shooting started

Mike Drucker: You'll see a lot of mentions today about divisions. But remember this photo take at the protest and posted by @DallasPD

Dallas July 7


Time.com: NRA honors heroism of police in Dallas shooting

Robin These: The fact the NRA won't defend LICENSED gun carriers like #PhilandoCastile PROVES that "right to bear arms" is only a WHITE PRIVILEDGE

James S.A. Corey: The most damning indictment of the @NRA is their total silence when a black man with a legal CCW is shot by police. It is now the WNRA to me

Oliver Willis: more cops were killed last night than americans who died in the benghazi attack. so I expect congress will get right on it.

If you believe we're in crisis, then you must know that this moment is also opportunity.

Addendum, Friday night:

Paul Ryan: An attack on the people who protect us is an attack on all of us. Let justice be done, and let the healing be done, too.






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