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Working for a Living.....

09/24/13 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Food and Recipies

...Is something I still must do. It has meant I've spent the last few months deep in the swamp of a major VoIP project in New York City, passing most days conjuring up thousands of lines of command line code in Excel, dealing with recalitrant server apps and tracking down network gremlins. It has meant methodically swatting away bugs and finally, making it all work. These have been mythical 75-hour weeks.

And then there are the human factors, the personalities that are encountered and dealt with in one fashion or another. I believe it was the Pacino character in "The Scent of a Woman" who said that "life is all about ass- you either kick it, kiss it, or cover it." Projects like the one I'm wrapping up now involve all of the above. Between the ego-driven and the incompetent,the no-BS professional is a welcome delight.

Anyway, as I was saying... I have watched the events that interest me pass by without having the time or energy to post some commentary here. I do have thoughts to share and should resume a regular posting routine in the next few days.

In another vein, I have noted that we've lost some good people recently, I wrote about Elmore Leonard's passing. James Gandolfini, the actor, was a surprise, since he left us at a rather young age. George Duke, a musician of ecletic talents who did a stint with Frank Zappa in the 70's, was another shock. Just another reminder to pack as much in while you have the chance.


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