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09/26/16 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Politics & Current Events

If you are, like hundreds of million others, watching tonight’s Presidential debate between Hillary “The Fox” Clinton and Donald “Der Furher” Trump, I have a suggestion to make the spectacle more entertaining: Judge it as if it were a gymnastics or diving competition, with a panel of judges awarding points for each question answered. The debaters’ scores would be the average of the judges’ individual scores. The “winner” would be the debater with the highest total of these averages.

First, of course, you would need a proper panel. Minimum would be three judges- a staunch Hillary supporter, a die-hard Trumpkin and an undecided. It would be even better to have a five-member panel, with three undecideds.

The judges would require parameters on which to base their score. You can, of course, develop your own, but I have a few suggestions.

First , did they answer which was asked? Politicians have a unique way of avoiding a question and changing the subject. Example:

Moderator: What is your position on climate change?”

Debater: “That is an excellent question, Jeanette, but first let me say this: The most dangerous issue facing the nation today is not climate change, but the unchecked proliferation of driverless cars.”

Second, is their answer patently true of false? This is a trickier issue, since both candidates have been accused of obfuscation and outright prevarication. Nonetheless, certain statements can commonly be held to be true or false- such as the crime rate among undocumented immigrants- and answers should  be held to this standard.

Third, judges should award style points. Again, this calls for a somewhat subjective judgement, so let me recommend one. How Secretary Clinton or Mr. Trump answer each question should be judged by this standard: Would I want my child to grow up to be the type of person who would answer a question that way?

So, with a scant hour to go, assemble your panel of judges, bring in your supply of adult beverages, and assume the position.


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