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Don't Mess With Texas

05/06/15 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Politics & Current Events

Why bother? The Lone Star state is quite capable of thrashing itself. Its latest attempt at self-parody involves Governor Greg Abbot ordering the Texas State Guard to “monitor” the activities of the US military during upcoming training exercises scheduled to take place in the state. The ever-vigilant Abbot is responding to an outcry from far-right groups that the two-month exercise is a charade to cover up the institution of martial law. Perhaps Texans believe they are a target ever since former Governor Rick “Two Out of Three” Perry suggested that secession was a viable path out of the stifling grip of the Federal government. Whatever the reasons, they are on full alert .

You may snicker, but there is no group so imbued with self-importance as Texans. Having elevated themselves in their self-regard, they naturally suffer from the paranoid delusion that people are out to get them. There is buzz about ISIS military camps south of the border in Mexico. Cynics might see this as another instance of fear being ginned up by exploitive politicans, especially now that Senator Ted Cruz has jumped aboard the wagon train. Of course, looking at the larger picture would probably make one wonder why the Federal government- the same government incessantly described as inept by people on the right- would undertake a military coup in a state that is arguably about to enter a downward trajectory all by itself.

The Texas economy is robust these days and that may be actually disguising future problems. The two leading economic sectors- energy and agriculture- are increasingly susceptable to the effects of climate change. It is plausible that oil and gas will be less important over the next century as energy production shifts away from fossil fuels. And it is possible that the droughts afflicting the Southwest will continue to have a negative impact on agrricultural sectors such as livestock and cotton. Transitioning to a more technological economy will be difficult since public education is not a priority of the Texas government: The state currently ranks 42nd in per student spending.

The Texas of oil barons and large cattle ranches is fading. Sometime in the next few decades, Hispanics will be the majority demographic segment. The old order will fight to maintain its grip, but they are just like Wile E. Coyote in the Road Runner cartoons: They will not fall until they look down and realize there is no longer solid ground beneath them. 

Until that day comes, they will just have to rely on tactics such as voter ID laws to stay in power.





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