Category: "Food and Recipies"

Riffin' On Shrimp & Grits

07/26/16 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Food and Recipies
In the interlude between the gloom-saying of the Republican National Convention last week and the raucous opening of the Democratic convention, I gave my brain some time off from ruminating about politics. One of my escapes is the kitchen, where I find… more »

Grilled Peaches and The Barbarita

01/10/15 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Food and Recipies
Note: In reviewing files saved on old hard drives, I came across these fun recipes.   Grilled Peaches These two taste delights are recent creations: Not that original, but suggested to the Princess of Passion and me by things we've tasted recently.… more »


04/04/14 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Food and Recipies
  Perhaps the rarified air breathed by the putative 1% has at last impacted their mental processes. One thing is certain: any inhibitions they had about drawing attention to themselves seem to have dissipated in a dramatic public fashion recently. We… more »


03/19/14 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Food and Recipies
  (Originally posted March 10, 2014) I was having a discussion with my friend Dustin here in Cape Coral the other day about food and restaurants. We both enjoy cooking and we agreed that 1) we had no desire to work as professional chefs- too arduous and… more »

Election Day

11/05/13 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Food and Recipies
Vote- it will make you feel good about yourself. You know, all that good karma from taking part in civil society and so on. There is the added benefit that if we the public vote in large enough numbers, we will perhaps cause an improvement in our… more »


10/02/13 | by nicasaurus | Categories: Food and Recipies
  Note: I began this post three weeks ago, so it is not quite timely. Let me understand this: Obama was taken to school by Putin, allowing the Russians to take the lead on the whole Syria crisis and thereby damaging American standing in the world. Or… more »

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